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The following is Pop Warner Policy…

If lightening is within 5 miles (meaning we can see it), the game or practice should be suspended and shelter sought out. Games and / or practices may resume 30 min after the last lightning strike within 5 miles. 

ALL Head and Assistant Coaches are responsible for having a head count of their kids for each practice.  They MUST know how many kids they have at ALL times.  When the FIRST sign of lightning strikes, you MUST head inside the TAC House.  There are NO EXCEPTIONS.  You may not be outside with in 30 minutes of the last lightning strike.  We will assess timing and either wait it out or call practice or the game.  This is for the safety our Coaching staff, players and parents.  

Football Players must remove helmets when first sign of lightning due to medal components and carry them inside.

When in the TAC House we will make sure that EACH team stays with their coach.  We will not be practicing plays or cheers.  We will have over 120 players and staff in there.  This will be a good time to make sure you can account for ALL of your players and staff.  NO CHILD will be left on the field, and we must know where they are at all times.  NO Parents will be allowed in the TAC House during this time.

For Dismissal- MAKE SURE THEY LEAVE WITH THEIR PARENT.    Do Not send a player/cheerleader outside by themselves.  Walk them out!  Make sure your parents know they MUST stick around if severe weather is in the forecast.  


There should be

a guardian at the field

at all times

who is responsible

for their child

in case of emergency.

Upper Merion Vikings Youth Football & Cheer

Heuser Park, 694 W. Beidler Road
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406
Email : [email protected]
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